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The Summer of Nix

callPackage, a tool for the lazy

Published on 2022-09-08 by Norbert Melzer, Valentin Gagarin, Matthias Meschede

The Nix package manager ships with a a special-purpose programming language for creating packages and configurations: the Nix language. It is used to build the Nix package collection, known as nixpkgs – the largest, most up-to-date open source software distribution in the world.

Being purely functional, the Nix language allows declaring custom functions to abstract over common patterns. One such pattern is parametrization of package definitions, that is, builds which can vary by their dependencies or settings.

nixpkgs is a sizeable software project on it's own, with coding conventions and idioms that have emerged over the years. It has established a convention of composing parameterized packages with automatic settings through a function named callPackage.

This article shows how to use it and why it's beneficial.

Basic examples

Before even discussing the benefits, let's see how it actually gets used.

Given are the files hello.nix and default.nix:

# default.nix
let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; in
pkgs.callPackage ./hello.nix {}

default.nix produces a derivation from the contents of hello.nix. A derivation is what the Nix package manager calls a description of how to obtain a desired build result. Build results are often packaged executables, but can be arbitrary files. Derivation is also the data type of the corresponding expression in the Nix language.

# hello.nix
{ writeShellScriptBin }:
writeShellScriptBin "hello" ''
  echo "hello, world!"

hello.nix declares a function which takes as argument an attribute set with one element writeShellScriptBin. writeShellScriptBin is also a function, which happens to return a derivation. The build result in this case is an executable shell script with the contents echo "hello world" named "hello".

Building default.nix with nix-build produces the build result ./result/bin/hello, and running this script will nicely greet you.

As you can see, the argument writeShellScriptBin gets filled in automatically when the function in hello.nix is evaluated. Explaining in detail how this happens is not in the scope of this blogpost. This automatic filling of attributes is what callPackage is responsible for. It passes attributes that exist in the pkgs attribute set to the called function, simply matching by name.

It may appear cumbersome to create the extra file hello.nix for the package in such a simple setup. We have done so because this is exactly how nixpkgs is organized: every package is a file that declares a function. This function takes as arguments the package's dependencies.

If you continue reading, you will see the benefits of this pattern!

1. Benefit: parametrized builds

Let's change the default.nix.

Now it does not produce a single derivation any more, but an attribute set with the attribute hello containing the original derivation:

# default.nix
let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { }; in
  hello = pkgs.callPackage ./hello.nix { };

When we build it with nix-build -A hello (accessing the attribute hello with the -A flag), the outcome will be the same as before.

We also change hello.nix to add an additional parameter audience with default value "world":

# hello.nix
{ writeShellScriptBin
, audience ? "world"
writeShellScriptBin "hello" ''
  echo "hello, ${audience}!"

Building this will still yield the same output as before.

Things get more interesting when we alter default.nix another time to make use of this new argument. Let's call hello.nix with the audience attribute set to people.

Note how we pass the parameter audience in the second argument to callPackage, which is passed on to the function defined in hello.nix:

# default.nix
let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { }; in
  hello = pkgs.callPackage ./hello.nix { };
  people = pkgs.callPackage ./hello.nix { audience = "people"; };

Building via nix-build -A people will now yield a script that prints hello, people.

We could use the very same syntax to also overwrite the automatically discovered arguments like writeShellScriptBin, though that doesn't make sense here.

This pattern is used widely in nixpkgs: For example, functions which represent Go programs often have a parameter buildGoModule, and it is common to see an expression like callPackage ./go-program.nix { buildGoModule = buildGo116Module; } to enforce a certain Go compiler version. nixpkgs is therefore not simply a huge library of pre-configured packages, but a collection of functions that can be used to generate custom configurations of packages and even of whole ecosystems (e.g. "All Python packages using my custom interpreter") on the fly without duplicating code.

2. Benefit: overrides

callPackage adds more convenience by adding an attribute to the derivation it returns: the override function.

This means that, as a consequence of handling builds with callPackage, we can also change the value of these function arguments after the fact, using the derivation's override function.

Consider this new default.nix, where we added a third attribute folks:

# default.nix
let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { }; in
rec {
  hello = pkgs.callPackage ./hello.nix { };
  people = pkgs.callPackage ./hello.nix { audience = "people"; };
  folks = hello.override { audience = "folks"; };

Note that the resulting attribute set is now recursive (by the keyword rec), that is, attribute values can refer to names from within the same attribute.

Here we take the hello derivation and call its override attribute as a function, passing the attribute set { audience = "folks"; }. override passes audience to the original function in hello.nix - to be precise, overrides whatever arguments have been passed in the original callPackage that produced the derivation hello.

Building and running the folks attribute with nix-build -A folks will again produce a new version of the script. It will print, as you may expect, hello folks.

All the other parameters will remain the same as they have been when hello was instantiated.

This is especially useful and often seen on packages that provide many options to customize the build.

An example to mention here is the neovim attribute in nixpkgs, which has has some overrideable arguments like extraLuaPackages, extraPythonPackages, or withRuby.

3. Benefit: flexible dependency injection

And now I want to introduce one of my favorite benefits:

You can actually create your own version of callPackage. This comes in quite handy when you have large sets where the attributes to be built depend on each other.

Note In the next examples I will not implement or show the "called" files, as I think they are not necessary to understand the point I want to make.

Consider the following attribute set of derivations:

# default.nix
let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { }; in
rec {
  a = pkgs.callPackage ./a.nix { };
  b = pkgs.callPackage ./b.nix { inherit a; };
  c = pkgs.callPackage ./c.nix { inherit b; };
  d = pkgs.callPackage ./d.nix { };
  e = pkgs.callPackage ./e.nix { inherit c d; };

Note that inherit a; is equivalent to a = a;. That is, we're passing previously declared derivations as arguments to other derivations through callPackage.

In this case you have to remember to manually pass arguments required by each package in the respective .nix file if they are not in nixpkgs. This is due to how pkgs.callPackage works: it passes attributes that exist in pkgs to the called function if the argument names match.

If ./b.nix requires an argument a but there is no pkgs.a, the function call will produce an error.

This can become quite tedious quickly, especially for larger sets.

Therefore we can use lib.callPackageWith to create our own callPackage:

# default.nix
  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { };
  callPackage = lib.callPackageWith (pkgs // packages);
  packages = {
    a = callPackage ./a.nix { };
    b = callPackage ./b.nix { };
    c = callPackage ./c.nix { };
    d = callPackage ./d.nix { };
    e = callPackage ./e.nix { };

First of all note that instead of a recursive attribute set, the names we operate on are now assigned in a let binding. It has the same property as recursive sets: names on the left can be used in expressions on the right of the equal sign (=).

This is how we can refer to packages when we merge its contents with the pre-existing attribute set pkgs using the // operator.

Our custom callPackages now makes available all the attributes in pkgs and packages to the called package function (the same names from packages taking precedence), and packages is being built up recursively with each call.

The last bit may make your head spin. This construction is only possible because the Nix language is lazily evaluated. That is, values are only computed when they are actually needed. It allows passing packages around without having fully defined it.

Each package's dependencies are now implicit at this level (they are still explicit in each of the package files), and callPackage "knows" how to resolve them. This relieves us from dealing with them manually, and precludes configuration errors that may only surface late into a lengthy build process.

Of course this small example is still manageable in the original form, and the implicitly recursive variant probably obscures the structure for software developers not familiar with lazy evaluation, making it harder to read for them than it was before.

But this benefit really pays off for large constructions, where it is the amount of code that would obscure the structure, and where manual modifications would become cumbersome and error-prone.


Using callPackage does not only follow nixpkgs conventions, which makes your code easier to follow for experienced Nix users. It also gives you some benefits for free:

  1. parametrized builds
  2. overrideable builds
  3. cleaner implementation of large interdepending package sets